Being Human Podcast

Season 5

This season dives behind cultural trends, headlines and everyday encounters to explore some of the biggest issues of our day as Jo and Peter help shape a new apologetic for the 21st Century. All the while exploring how we can ensure that it’s God’s story that ultimately defines being human today. 
40 min
Season 5
#10. Being Human: health and wellness
In the final episode of the season, hosts Jo Frost and Peter Lynas discuss the intricate relationship between health, wellness, [...]
57 min
Season 5
#9. Race and ethnicity
In this episode Jo and Peter welcome their friend and head of public policy, Alicia to the conversation. This time [...]
52 min
Season 5
#8. Generational perspectives on work, rest and play
In this episode of Being Human, Jo and Peter are joined by their twenty-five-year-old team member Emma to discuss the [...]
54 min
Season 5
#7. Artificial intelligence (AI)
In this episode Jo and Peter use the apologetics tool - the Being Humans Lens - to chat all-things artificial [...]
48 min
Season 5
#6. Climate Change
In this episode climate change is at the focal point of the Being Human lens. Jo and Peter chat through [...]
52 min
Season 5
#5. Beginning and end of life
This episode explores the limits and boundaries of human life, particularly when it comes to abortion and euthanasia. Jo and [...]
48 min
Season 5
#4. Migration, asylum and refugees: how to be a global human 
If every human being is made in the image of God, but we are each rooted into a particular place [...]
59 min
Season 5
Do bodies matter? Female, male and the trans conversation
In episode three, Jo and Peter tackle one of the most contested topics in our culture today – the trans [...]
50 min
Season 5
#2. Social media and the mental health crisis  
What is the impact of social media on our mental health? And what can we do about it? Are the [...]
47 min
Season 5
#1. Elections, democracy and the rise of nationalism
Welcome back to season five! Jo Frost and Peter Lynas return, exploring what it means to be human in 2024. [...]

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