Podcast Season 5

Episode #6: Climate Change

In this episode climate change is at the focal point of the Being Human lens. Jo and Peter chat through presence, significance, connection and participation as they tackle one of the biggest issues facing humanity today. How might we shift some of culture’s most dominant climate conversation from blame and hopelessness, to care and stewardship?  

From micro stories of London’s ultra-low emission zone to larger macro-stories of rising sea levels and climate refugees, they consider the importance of human equality, and issues of local and global justice. All the while bringing the conversation back to the better story found in the pages of scripture – how do biblical themes like sabbath, jubilee and stewarding land help reframe these debates? As followers of Jesus, how might we think about some of the disagreements surrounding tackling climate change and consider the role of both personal and collective responsibility. 

Part one (00:00) 
00:59 Welcome to back and a reminder that we would love to hear from you. 
01:33 Climate Change: opening up the conversation and uncovering the why behind taking care of the planet. 
05:13 Looking at UK: local and national climate issues and policy. 
09:42 The Being Human Lens and putting climate change at the focal point. 
11:13 Presence: being here now matters. Looking at some of the macro stories on climate change.  
16:12 Acknowledging a historical misreading of the bible and reframing the whole earth as God’s temple.  

Part two (19:02) 
19:04 Significance and equality of human life when thinking about climate and creation. 
23:03 Sabbath, Jubilee and the promised land: exploring the biblical story. 
27:19 Who is our neighbour? Exploring connection, justice and peace.  
31:53 Greta Thunberg and the future generations. 
34:02 A more hopeful story: being in relationship with the giver of the land. 
36:39 Participation – individual vs collective responsibility?  
44:39 Personal practical practices towards environmental stewardship – study, simplicity and fasting.  
45:18 Collective practices: practicing advocacy and communion.  

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