Relationships Matter: Course

A seven-part course on the Bible, sexuality and same-sex relationships. Ideal for small groups and churches.

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Introducing Relationships Matter: A seven-week course exploring the good true and beautiful story of relationships, sex and sexuality.

Welcome to Relationships Matter


Join Katherine, Damilola and Peter from the Being Human team as they explore what the Bible says about sexuality and same-sex relationships. This seven-session course is designed to deepen our understanding of what the Bible says about sex, sexuality and same-sex attraction, and to see that it really does offer a better story about relationships than our culture.

Who is this course for?

Relationships Matter is for anyone and everyone. It helps us understand how much we have been shaped by various cultural stories when it comes to sex, sexuality and same-sex attraction. In contrast, the course is designed to deepen our understanding of what the Bible says about sexuality and relationships and to see that it really does offer a better story. It’s best used in a small group context but can be used in larger groups or individually.

What you need to run Relationships Matter

  • A laptop, or device to watch the video. You can either download them so they’re available offline, or watch them on YouTube.
  • The PDF study guides for each session. These can be downloaded and printed or viewed on a phone, tablet or laptop.
  • An environment where people will feel comfortable to talk about sex and sexuality – a living room, or a room at church. You want to create a space where people feel able to share openly and ask questions.

What each session looks like

Introduction: We’ll leave this up to you. Get your group chatting, recap last week, or open in prayer.

Video: Watch the video, which will be about 15 minutes long.

Discussion: Go through the discussion questions. Don’t worry if you don’t cover them all – allow conversation to flow naturally.

Additional resources: End by pointing your group to extra resources. This will be helpful for people with questions or who want to go a bit deeper.

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