In this session, Jo and Peter explain how we tend to find our sense of significance in what we’ve achieved, what others say about us, or how chuffed we feel about ourselves. Yet all of these sources of significance are fleeting and unpredictable. True significance is fundamental to being truly human – and it’s only found in being known and loved by God.

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Session One: Image Bearers
In this session, Jo and Peter explain how we tend to find our sense of significance in what we’ve achieved, [...]
Session Three: Connection
In this session, Jo and Peter explain how we tend to find our sense of significance in what we’ve achieved, [...]
Session Four: Presence
In this session, Jo and Peter explain how we tend to find our sense of significance in what we’ve achieved, [...]
Session Five: Participation
In this session, Jo and Peter explain how we tend to find our sense of significance in what we’ve achieved, [...]

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