Podcast Season 1

Episode #2: Love Island, dating apps and desire

How does Love Island or dating apps form, reform and deform our desires? What impact does that have on our understanding of, and access to, freedom? We are storied creatures, stories shape who we are. The story of the world appears to be one of individual freedom – I get to be who I want to be and date or sleep with whom ever I like – that is being free. But freedom isn’t about choice, it isn’t even about control. The biblical story shows us that ultimately freedom is rooted in a life lived in relationship with God.

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How does Love Island or dating apps form, reform and deform our desires? What impact does that have on our [...]
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How does Love Island or dating apps form, reform and deform our desires? What impact does that have on our [...]
Being Human Podcast Trailer
How does Love Island or dating apps form, reform and deform our desires? What impact does that have on our [...]
#6. Justice and power
How does Love Island or dating apps form, reform and deform our desires? What impact does that have on our [...]

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