
We need the whole church to encourage young adults in evangelism
As a young adult, I’m seeing an increase in spiritual openness amongst my peers, and my friends across the UK [...]
The spiritual practices: overly religious, self-care obsessed or a better way to live?
From retreat, silence and solitude to fasting, journaling and prayer –  are many of these ancient Christian practices making sense [...]
From Andrew Tate to #MeToo: can we bridge the battle of the sexes?
Young men and woman are falling on opposite ends of the political spectrum. As Christians, why should we care and [...]
JK Rowling: the enigma
The new Scottish hate crime law has got many people talking, including the Harry Potter author. Although she remains an [...]
How extreme are you?
The new Scottish hate crime law has got many people talking, including the Harry Potter author. Although she remains an [...]
Elon Musk, Mars and AI: I’m intrigued by humanity’s search for a future framework
The new Scottish hate crime law has got many people talking, including the Harry Potter author. Although she remains an [...]
Gen Z: we’ve forgotten how to connect
Do you have an ‘ex-best-friend’? Many of my peers are struggling to maintain close relationships – so how can we [...]
Romance is entering a new era. What might the church have to offer it?
The sun appears to be setting on the dating app era and culture is on a mission to re-codify love, [...]
Welcome to the chaos of 2024!
Crises, elections and ongoing wars: Peter Lynas looks at some of the biggest issues ahead, and asks, how we can [...]
Reflections: why the Incarnation is the greatest revolution of all time
'The Revolution Will Not Be Televised': three ways in which the Incarnation is radically subversive to western secular culture and [...]
I’m fed up with MPs throwing insults – but can I judge them?
Home secretary James Cleverly got himself into hot water recently. He allegedly insulted Stockton-on-Tees following a question about the constituency’s [...]
Young adults are spiritually curious – just look at the ‘manifesting’ trend
Many young adults are ‘manifesting’ to try and control their future – but the God story offers a destiny beyond [...]

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